Revolutionize Your Sleep with the Original Mattress Factory Adjustable Bed

Kind Reader, are you tired of having a restless night’s sleep? Look no further than the Original Mattress Factory adjustable bed! The Original Mattress Factory is known for their exceptional quality and attention to detail, and their adjustable bed is no exception. With customizable settings, this bed allows you to find the perfect position for a good night’s rest. Experience the ultimate comfort and support with the Original Mattress Factory adjustable bed.

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Benefits of Owning an Original Mattress Factory Adjustable Bed

original-mattress-factory-adjustable-bed,Benefits of Owning an Original Mattress Factory Adjustable Bed,thqOriginalMattressFactoryAdjustableBedBenefits

If you’re looking for a comfortable, restful sleep, an adjustable bed may be just what you need.The Original Mattress Factory offers a customizable adjustable bed that allows you to find the perfect sleeping position. Here are some benefits of owning an Original Mattress Factory adjustable bed:

1. Relieves pain and pressure points

Adjustable beds allow you to easily change the position of your head and feet, providing relief for those with back pain, joint pain, and other pressure points. The Original Mattress Factory adjustable bed offers a variety of positions, including zero gravity, which can help to alleviate pressure on the spine.

2. Provides better sleep quality

An adjustable bed allows you to elevate your head and feet, improving your breathing and circulation for a better night’s sleep. The Original Mattress Factory adjustable bed also has a massage feature that can help you relax and fall asleep faster.

3. Customizable comfort

The Original Mattress Factory adjustable bed allows you to create a custom sleeping position that fits your individual needs, whether you prefer to sleep on your back, side, or stomach. With the ability to adjust the head and foot positions, you can find the perfect level of comfort.

4. Accommodates different sleep partners

If you share a bed with a partner who has different sleeping preferences, an adjustable bed can help accommodate both of your needs. The Original Mattress Factory adjustable bed has a split king option, so each side can be adjusted independently.

5. Easy to use

The Original Mattress Factory adjustable bed comes with a wireless remote that allows you to easily adjust the bed to your desired position. You can also save your favorite positions for quick and easy adjustments.

6. Long-lasting durability

The Original Mattress Factory adjustable bed is built with high-quality materials and is designed to last for many years. The frame is made of steel and has a weight capacity of up to 850 pounds.

7. Compatible with many mattresses

The Original Mattress Factory adjustable bed is compatible with most mattresses, so you don’t have to purchase a new mattress if you already have a favorite. However, for the most comfortable experience, the Original Mattress Factory also offers a variety of high-quality mattresses that are designed to work seamlessly with their adjustable beds.

Features of Original Mattress Factory Adjustable Bed

original-mattress-factory-adjustable-bed,Features of Original Mattress Factory Adjustable Bed,thqFeaturesofOriginalMattressFactoryAdjustableBed

The features of the Original Mattress Factory adjustable bed are as follows:

1. Customizable sleep positions

The Original Mattress Factory adjustable bed can elevate the head, feet, or both. Because of its customization capabilities, it provides the sleeper with personalized support and comfort.

2. Three different height adjustment options

The Original Mattress Factory adjustable bed comes with three different height options, making it easy for individuals of any height to step in and out of the bed.

3. Wireless Remote control

The Original Mattress Factory adjustable bed includes a wireless remote that allows the sleeper to adjust the bed’s head or foot position without leaving the bed. The remote’s LED backlighting makes it easy to see in dimly lit or completely dark rooms.

4. Whisper-like motor technology

The Original Mattress Factory adjustable bed’s motor technology is extremely quiet, allowing the bed to move without creating any noise disturbances. This means the sleeper can adjust the bed without waking the person next to them.

5. Underbed lighting

The Original Mattress Factory adjustable bed comes with underbed lighting that illuminates the floor, providing sleepers with a safe way to get in and out of bed in the dark.

6. Simple assembly

Assembling an Original Mattress Factory adjustable bed is easy. The bed can be put together in just a few minutes, and no tools are required.

7. Ergonomic design

The Original Mattress Factory adjustable bed has an ergonomic design that prevents back pain and strain, allowing the sleeper to stay comfortable and supported, whether sitting up or lying down.

No Key Information
1 Brand Name
2 Product name
3 Price Range
4 Size Options
5 Adjustability Options
6 Warranty Information
7 Customer Satisfaction Ratings
8 Product Availability

The Benefits of Original Mattress Factory Adjustable Bed

original-mattress-factory-adjustable-bed,Benefits of Original Mattress Factory Adjustable Bed,thqBenefitsofOriginalMattressFactoryAdjustableBed

An adjustable bed from Original Mattress Factory is a fantastic addition to any sleeping environment. Not only does it provide a comfortable sleeping surface, but it also offers various health benefits that standard beds do not. Here are some of the advantages of an Original Mattress Factory adjustable bed.

Improved Sleep Quality

Adjustable beds offer customizable sleeping positions that can improve the quality of sleep. By elevating the head and feet, individuals can effectively relieve pressure points, promote better blood circulation, and reduce snoring.

Relief of Health Conditions

Original Mattress Factory adjustable beds can be useful for people with health conditions, including sleep apnea, acid reflux, and back pain. The adjustability of the bed can alleviate symptoms of these ailments, allowing individuals to have a peaceful night’s sleep.

Benefits of Original Mattress Factory Adjustable Bed

original-mattress-factory-adjustable-bed,Benefits of Original Mattress Factory Adjustable Bed,thqBenefitsofOriginalMattressFactoryAdjustableBed

The following are the benefits of using the Original Mattress Factory Adjustable Bed:

1. Relief from physical pain

Adjustable beds help alleviate many physical pain issues. They help relieve back and neck pains, acid refluxes, and even snoring. These beds can be angled to a position that is comfortable for the individual. The sleeping position of the bed helps to take pressure off specific pressure points in the abdominal area, making the bed more comfortable and helping to reduce back pain.

2. Increased comfort and relaxation

The Original Mattress Factory Adjustable Bed offers a variety of positions that a regular bed cannot match. The bed can be adjusted to any position that the individual desires, making it the most comfortable for that person. You can relax and read a book, watch TV, or simply elevate your feet to relieve the pressure and improve circulation.

“What sets Original Mattress Factory Adjustable beds apart is our use of high-quality materials and expert construction and engineering. These features mean that our adjustable beds can offer many benefits to those struggling with a variety of physical issues related to sleep.”

3. Helps improve digestion

The adjustable bed promotes better digestion by keeping your stomach above the food pipe. This position helps reduce acid refluxes, a condition in which the contents of the stomach leak into the food pipe, causing a burning sensation in the esophagus. An adjustable bed can reduce these symptoms by allowing individuals to position themselves with their head elevated.

4. Independent customization for couples

Adjustable beds allow individuals to adjust their sleeping elevation to their needs, providing custom sleeping arrangements for different people. Couples with different sleeping requirements can adjust their side of the bed as per their comfort. For example, people who snore or have acid refluxes can sleep in an inclined position, while others can sleep in an entirely different position. This independent customization feature allows adequate sleep for both individuals.

No Original Mattress Factory Adjustable Bed Benefits
1 Relief from physical pain
2 Increased comfort and relaxation
3 Helps improve digestion
4 Independent customization for couples

The Benefits of Original Mattress Factory Adjustable Beds

original-mattress-factory-adjustable-bed,Benefits of Original Mattress Factory Adjustable Beds,thqBenefitsofOriginalMattressFactoryAdjustableBeds

If you’re looking for the ultimate sleeping experience, the Original Mattress Factory adjustable bed is the way to go. Adjustable beds offer a wide range of benefits that can help improve your overall health and well-being. They are specifically designed to cater to your specific needs and preferences, making it easier for you to get a good night’s sleep. Here are some of the benefits of the Original Mattress Factory adjustable beds:

1. Relief from pain

Adjustable beds offer pressure relief on various points of your body, including your back, neck, and legs. This way, they help to reduce the amount of pain and pressure you feel in these areas. This is particularly beneficial if you suffer from conditions such as arthritis and fibromyalgia.

2. Improved sleep quality

Adjustable beds allow you to find the perfect sleeping position that suits your body’s specific needs. By doing so, they help you sleep better and more comfortably throughout the night.

3. Better circulation

By elevating your feet and head, an adjustable bed helps to improve your circulation, which is beneficial for your overall health. This can also prevent you from developing certain health conditions, such as deep vein thrombosis.

4. Reduces snoring and sleep apnea

Sleep apnea is a serious condition that affects millions of people worldwide. An adjustable bed can help alleviate this condition by elevating your head, which helps to keep your airway open.

5. Added convenience

Adjustable beds make it easier for you to read, watch TV or work from bed. They also make it easier for you to get in and out of bed, which can be helpful if you suffer from joint pain.

6. Longer-lasting mattress

Adjustable beds allow you to change the position of your mattress, which can help to reduce wear and tear. This means that your mattress will last longer, which is beneficial in the long run.

7. Customization

The Original Mattress Factory adjustable beds offer a wide range of customization options to suit your individual needs and preferences. This ensures that you get the perfect sleeping experience every time.

Original Mattress Factory adjustable bed is a durable and versatile bed

original-mattress-factory-adjustable-bed,Original Mattress Factory adjustable bed,thqOriginalMattressFactoryadjustablebed

One of the reasons why Original Mattress Factory adjustable beds are a popular choice is due to their durability and versatility. These beds are made with high-quality materials that are designed to withstand wear and tear. Unlike traditional beds that need to be replaced after a few years, adjustable beds from Original Mattress Factory are built to last for a long time.

The durability of Original Mattress Factory adjustable bed

The durability of Original Mattress Factory adjustable beds is due to their construction. They are made with solid wood frames that are not just sturdy but are also able to absorb shock and prevent wear and tear. The adjustable beds are also upholstered in high-quality fabric that is designed to resist stains and fading.

Versatility of Original Mattress Factory adjustable bed

Adjustable beds from Original Mattress Factory are also very versatile. The beds can be adjusted to different positions to provide maximum comfort to users. They come with remote controls that allow users to adjust the height and angle of the bed.

Original Mattress Factory Adjustable Bed Features

original-mattress-factory-adjustable-bed,Original Mattress Factory Adjustable Bed Features,thqOriginalMattressFactoryAdjustableBedFeatures

The Original Mattress Factory Adjustable Bed has various features that make it a worthwhile investment. For starters, it has a wireless remote that allows you to control the bed’s movement and adjust it according to your preference without leaving your bed. The bed also has head and foot massage settings, perfect for relaxing after a long day at work. There is also the One Touch Flat feature, which allows you to return the bed to a flat position instantly.

Head and Foot Massage

The Original Mattress Factory Adjustable Bed has a head and foot massage feature that ensures you get maximum comfort and relaxation after a long day’s work. The massage gives you a soothing sensation that helps ease your tired muscles. It is perfect for people who work long hours or for anyone who wants a good massage before sleeping. With the wireless remote control, you can adjust the intensity of the massage to your preferred level.

One Touch Flat Feature

The One Touch Flat feature is unique to the Original Mattress Factory Adjustable Bed. With this feature, you can quickly and effortlessly return the bed to a flat position. This feature ensures that you can go from an inclined position to a flat one instantly, making it easy for you to change position without any hassle.

Original Mattress Factory Adjustable Bed Maintenance

original-mattress-factory-adjustable-bed,Original Mattress Factory Adjustable Bed Maintenance,thqOriginalMattressFactoryAdjustableBedMaintenance

Maintaining your Original Mattress Factory Adjustable Bed is essential to ensure that it stays in good condition and lasts longer. Here are some tips for maintaining your adjustable bed:


Regular cleaning of your adjustable bed’s mattress and base is important to ensure that it remains hygienic and free of allergens. You can use a vacuum cleaner or a soft brush to remove any dust or dirt that may have accumulated on the mattress or the base. You can also spot clean any stains using a mild detergent and warm water.

Protecting the Bed

You can also protect your adjustable bed by investing in a waterproof mattress protector. A waterproof mattress protector will protect your mattress against spills, stains, and other accidents. It will also prevent allergens from getting into the mattress, making it ideal for people with allergies or asthma.

No Maintenance Tips
1 Regular cleaning of mattress and base
2 Investing in a waterproof mattress protector
3 Regularly tightening all screws and bolts
4 Checking for any damaged or worn out parts and replacing them immediately

Frequently Asked Questions about the Original Mattress Factory Adjustable Bed

1. What is an adjustable bed?

An adjustable bed is a bed that can be adjusted to different angles to provide various sleeping positions and offer customized support.

2. Is the Original Mattress Factory Adjustable Bed high-tech?

The Original Mattress Factory Adjustable Bed uses motorized mechanisms to lift and adjust the mattress, but it is not considered a high-tech product.

3. What sizes are available for the Original Mattress Factory Adjustable Bed?

The Original Mattress Factory Adjustable Bed is available in Twin XL, Full, Queen, and King sizes.

4. Can two people use the Original Mattress Factory Adjustable Bed comfortably?

Yes, two people can use the Original Mattress Factory Adjustable Bed comfortably. However, it is recommended that each person sleep on their own Twin XL bed to have independent control over the angles of their mattress.

5. Can I use my own mattress with the Original Mattress Factory Adjustable Bed?

Yes, you can use your own mattress with the Original Mattress Factory Adjustable Bed. However, it is recommended that you use a mattress that is compatible with the bed’s adjustable features.

6. Can I lift my head and feet simultaneously with the Original Mattress Factory Adjustable Bed?

Yes, you can lift your head and feet simultaneously with the Original Mattress Factory Adjustable Bed.

7. Is the Original Mattress Factory Adjustable Bed noisy?

The Original Mattress Factory Adjustable Bed makes a low humming noise when it is adjusting angles, but it is not considered noisy.

8. Does the Original Mattress Factory Adjustable Bed come with a warranty?

Yes, the Original Mattress Factory Adjustable Bed comes with a 20-year limited warranty.

9. How do I clean the Original Mattress Factory Adjustable Bed?

You can clean the Original Mattress Factory Adjustable Bed with a mild soap and water solution, but avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive tools.

10. Does the Original Mattress Factory Adjustable Bed work with a regular outlet?

Yes, the Original Mattress Factory Adjustable Bed works with a standard electrical outlet.

11. Is the Original Mattress Factory Adjustable Bed difficult to assemble?

The Original Mattress Factory Adjustable Bed comes fully assembled. All you need to do is attach the legs and plug it in.

12. Can I move the Original Mattress Factory Adjustable Bed?

Yes, you can move the Original Mattress Factory Adjustable Bed. However, it is recommended that you move it with at least two people, and avoid dragging it across the floor.

13. Can the Original Mattress Factory Adjustable Bed reduce snoring?

The Original Mattress Factory Adjustable Bed can help alleviate snoring by elevating the user’s head and opening up airways.

14. Does the Original Mattress Factory Adjustable Bed have a remote control?

Yes, the Original Mattress Factory Adjustable Bed comes with a wireless remote control.

15. Will the Original Mattress Factory Adjustable Bed fit my existing bed frame?

The Original Mattress Factory Adjustable Bed is designed to fit most standard bed frames, including platform beds, but it is best to check the bed’s measurements before purchasing.

Learn more about the benefits of an adjustable bed from The Original Mattress Factory and how it can improve your sleep quality.

Thank You, Kind Reader!

We hope you enjoyed learning about the Original Mattress Factory Adjustable Bed. If you’re in the market for a new bed, we highly recommend checking it out. Not only is it customizable to fit your individual needs and preferences, but it’s also built with high-quality materials that ensure a good night’s sleep. Thank you for taking the time to read our article, and we look forward to seeing you again soon!

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